Welcome to my small business blog! I hope you will find use in the recommendation and ideas from this blog. I want to make it a place where I can store and share things I find interesting and relevant to small business; topics such as small business software, entrepreneurship books, the interviewing process, building a website for your business and other small business related information. As I share my thoughts and ideas, I hope that you will feel welcome and participate in the conversation by posting comments, sending me emails or just sharing the content with your friends. Please feel free to share any information or link to any of my blog posts, but please, when appropriate, give credit where credit is due.
Who am I? My name is Ryan and I’ve been interested in small business and entrepreneurship since I was very little. I think a lot of my desire to work in business came from influence from my dad. He’s started various businesses and shared with me his knowledge and lessons. (But I’ll save that for another blog post!) So, back to me, I just graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business management with an emphasis in entrepreneurship and a minor in computer science. I’ve worked with various small business, started a few business projects of my own, and one full-on legitimate incorporated company. So, I hope to share those experiences with you as time goes on. I hope you’ll stick around and share your experiences in small business too!
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